This is a landscape by Cooper Michael French. This artist is unique in many ways. His approach to this painting was this…he starts by splashing in thin neutral color of random shapes. After turning the canvas several different ways he waits until the shapes suggest a subject, and then he follows the painting and develops the suggestions the canvas provides. Cooper paints in a very limited palette when using this approach. When the piece is complete it always has a sense of peace and tranquility. His work shows an incredible understanding of nature and maturity about it, but still changes as time goes on for the better. The sign of a true artist.
Plein Air Oil Painting By The Creek In Mississippi
This is a plein air field study done this past summer at Lake Okatibee. These marsh locations offer a never ending combination of color depending on the time of day and the season. I left out the water moccasins.
Impasto Oil Painting Across The Creek
This is a 12×16 oil on panel I did “plein air” near a little creek near my studio. The warm foliage in the foreground was a good opposite to the cool background. I let the colors mix on the canvas instead of mixing on the palette. This helped the color to break up and become more interesting. I love to paint with pure pigment…Hope you like it as well!
Moonscape Oil Painting On October Night
This is a painting of a moon I saw this past October. It was one of the largest moons I had ever seen and a full moon to boot! It was still light enough to see the colors in the trees and field it was over. I love painting outdoors this time of year. It’s perfect outdoors here in Meridian, Mississippi because it’s not too cool and not too warm. When we do a painting we try to create a believable illusion, however nature has one set of rules and paint has another.
Mississippi Horizon Oil Painting
This is a pic of my latest painting. It’s a low horizon piece at about 6 o’clock. The sun was down and causing an orange glow in the sky. Sometimes these soft light pieces are very calming and easy to look at. It’s all done in broken color in a very impressionistic style. I hope you like.