Now, before you begin reading this, I want you to know that I certainly don’t condone the destruction of public property or personal property. There, now that we got that out of the way, here’s the scoop on this! Most of the graffiti artists that I’ve come across over the years, tend to refrain from revealing themselves. They keep quite for a number of reasons. Many of them simply don’t want to get in trouble with the law. Others, prefer to remain anonymous for art appeal reasons, while some just come right out and take credit when it’s due.
Down in the local Miami, FL area where my nephew lives, there are plenty of graffiti artists that spends 24/7 creating works of art in the Wynwood District. It’s pretty much acceptable there. In fact, I personally love creating what I consider my Miami artwork, when I take my business trips down there. It’s a great place to paint. Anyway, I digress…Now, some cities aren’t so welcoming to these artists. However, it seems like one local graffiti artist may have found authorities soft spot in Dallas, Texas.

Texas City Loves This Unknown Graffiti Artist
While officials in most cities have a zero tolerance for graffiti art, in Keller, Texas the officials and citizens feel entirely different from the norm. One artist has been making and effort to leave his mark lately and they have no idea who he or she might be.
The unknown artist was first discovered when an animal portrait popped up out of nowhere on the first day of the new year. The painting was of a doe running. The portrait showed up underneath the Bear Creek Parkway Bridge.
In most cities, people and officials would be outraged. However, this painting of a doe seemed to hit the people of the city right in the heart. Apparently, locals are raving about the doe painting and they want the artist to step forward.
The city made a public post on Facebook asking the artist to please step forward. The reason they want the artist to come forward is because they want more!
Well, that’s just the beginning. It turns out the artist painted an armadillo a week later. They then painted a flying bird and the most recent piece was of an armadillo.
The artist continues to remain unknown and it may forever. I can understand why the people and the city are not completely upset with this. If anything, the artist is putting forth the effort to introduce friendly nature in what seems to be a completely concrete structure.
You’re probably wondering, “Why animals?” Well, I can tell you that based on the many people that ask me to commission paintings featuring animals, it seems to bring them a sense of comfort and joy. In most cases, it’s a family pet or a familiar location with animals incorporated into a piece that makes it very appealing to collectors. Although this type of art can’t be collected per se, it can still trigger those emotions when we see it.
If I were the artist, I’d certainly step forward. Given that locals are happy with the artwork, it only makes sense to let yourself be known! If you want to check out the city Facebook page, then click here.