Unless you’re super human, you probably have days where you feel like you’re not accomplishing things.
It’s all part of being a human being and it’s what makes us feel alive as well.
Getting things done isn’t necessarily about spending hours doing something and working excessively hard 24/7 at it but it’s about doing what’s necessary and demanded at the right moment in time.
That’s why I’ve decided to kick things off on an even positive note by adding the “Golden Moment” to the limited edition $100 selection.
We all have our moments in life when we feel accomplished and sometimes defeated. The important thing to remember is to stay focused and always be on the lookout for the perfect or “golden” moment to reach your goals, achieve what you’ve set out to accomplish, and just make a difference in the crazy world we live in.
That’s why I’ve decided to re-release this piece to kick the week off and include it within the limited-time-only run.
You can add a gold leaf frame to this piece if you’d like but clicking this link.
~ Greg C.