Here’s a few knives that I’ve created recently. I’ve also added a few images of the knife shop. I ground one out today. I bought the dendritic steel that I sometimes use from David Boye.
Here’s a couple of my designs.
Here’s a shot of two of my grinders within my knife shop.
Three knives on the table now being made.
Here is a damascus chef knife I cut out and I will flat grind this tomorrow.
Just a few of the variations including a couple from the forge with copper and brass flashed handles. I own a laser engraving machine and sometimes like the forged blades I like the looks of that signature instead of the ones I’ve pounded in. Anyone is more than welcome to watch me start from scratch. I’ve ground out all my knives and heat treated them. To make a knife from a blank that I bought would be a total bore.
This is a gentlemen’s carrying knife with etched blade and abalone handle.